Friday, March 27, 2009

Etsy Faves, 3/27

I'm back to picking my Etsy faves from the love pool on flickr. Lots of great stuff this week.

Top Row: Mixed paper journals from afiore, Seascape necklace from Hillary Caroline, Rosebud yarn from Global Warming
Bottom Row: Button Headband from Broken Hallelujah, Jack Rabbit Stuffie from Look What I can Do, White Walk illustration by IceKubi
I try not to repeat myself. But I find myself wanting to pick items by the same artists each week, so maybe I'll be doing interviews with my favorite artists in the future. What would you be interested in hearing from them? Inspiration? Business tips? Anyone in particular you would like an interview with? Let me know in a comment.
Here are some newly listed items in my shop:

I finally made some cards with my Queen Anne illustration. For some reason I struggled with these, and tried leaving a border on the edge, or making them into thank you notes. Finally I decided simplest was best and just printed it without a border or any phrases on the front, and I'm really happy with the results.

And more Cherry Blossoms!! This is a set of cards with my favorite photos from the Cherry Blossom festival in Washington DC last year. I love that this set shows a variety of different species.
I'm planning on having an easy tutorial on some new items I made, hopefully tomorrow, unless it rains and I cant go outside to take photos.


  1. Thanks so much for including my necklace!
    Great picks. :)

  2. Oh wow - your cards are so beautiful!!!
    Thank you for picking my books!

  3. I love your cards! Thanks so much for including my yarn in your collection :)
